How rockin’ is this: I Must Destroy You, my first-year film from UCLA, has just been accepted into its first festival! It’s going to be in the Faux Film Festival in Portland, Oregon in March. I hope all my rockin’ Portland peeps can go see it. Here’s the rockin’ acceptance email I just got:
Congratulations! Your film “I Must Destroy You” has been accepted to the
Faux Film Festival! Woohoo!
Faux Film Festival! Woohoo!
Thank you for submitting your un-faux-gettable film! We will be in touch
with festival details. Note that we will need your final projection copy (if
different from your submission copy) no later than Feb 15.
WooHoo is right! Congratulations, David! Can we expect the artiste to appear for the screening? That would be cool! Love, Mom